Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Strength - March 30th

We all carry it within us, supreme
strength, the fullness of wisdom, un-
quenchable joy. It is never thwarted
and cannot be destroyed. But it is hid-
den deep, which is what makes life a

How does a man lose touch with his strength, his wisdom, his joy? Perhaps it is in the nature of humanity. Our most profound qualities are hidden deep. They never go away, but we cannot always find them. There may be nothing wrong with ourselves as men when we lose touch. It doesn't have to mean that we are "bad guys" for getting depressed or for feeling inadequate. Who doesn't have that problem? It is the nature of life that we sometimes feel this way. This program helps us unearth the resources hidden within us.

When we cannot find these reassuring feelings of strength, and wisdom, and joy, we may think they are gone forever. We even doubt we ever had them or could have them again. But they are still there. They cannot be destroyed. And when we regain contact we know they have been with us all along.

I will have faith that the innermost places in me can never be destroyed.

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