Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Step 12 - May 24th

“There is no witness so terrible, no accuser so powerful as conscience which dwells within us.”

   ~ Sophocles

A.A. Thought for the Day

In twelfth step work, the second thing is confession. By frankly sharing with prospects, we get them talking about their own experiences. They will open up and confess things to us that they haven't been able to tell other people. And they feel better when this confession has been made. It's a great load off their minds to get these things out into the open. It's the things that are kept hidden that weigh on the mind. They feel a sense of release and freedom when they have opened up their hearts to us. Do I care enough about other alcoholics to help them to make a confession.

Hearing other men speak of their own problems with addiction made me feel I was in the right place. After a lifetime of not fitting in, of always feeling like I was the outsider, it was an amazing change to feel I had found a group of people who were much like me.
~ Mike

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