Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Goals - July 13th

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”

Albert Einstein

A.A. Thought for the Day

Before alcoholics come into A.A., they are "flying blind." But A.A. gives them a directed beam in the A.A. program. As long as they keep on this beam, the signal of sobriety keeps coming through. If they have a slip, the signal is broken. If they swing off course into drunkenness, the signal stops. Unless they regain the A.A. directed beam, they are in danger of crashing against the mountain peak of despair. Am I on the beam?

I spent most of my pre-AA life just wandering with no specific goals. I had vague notions of what is expected of a man - to work, to marry, to father, but I never laid out any plan or set any goals. My first goal in AA was to get sober - and I learned to quit drinking and to go to meetings. As I worked the steps I came to find other goals for personal development and now there is no looking back.
~ Mike

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