Sunday, August 14, 2011

Abnormal Drinking - Aug 14th

He is a drunkard who takes more than three glasses though he be not drunk.

A.A. Thought for the Day

"None of us like to think that we are bodily and mentally different from others. Our drinking careers have been characterized by countless vain attempts to prove that we could drink like other people. This delusion that we are like other people has to be smashed. It has been definitely proved that no real alcoholic has ever recovered control. Over any considerable period we get worse, never better. There is no such thing as making a normal drinker out of an alcoholic." Am I convinced that I can never drink again normally?

Getting drunk on weekends was the norm for me growing up so naturally I developed this pattern myself by the time I was 17. I had no idea that this was abnormal - I looked forward to my weekends when I could get drunk. Gradually my drinking grew to include Sundays and I was always on the lookout for some occasion to authorize my drinking through the week. It was no surprise that by the end I was drinking most nights and was always feeling hungover when I was sober. I know now that that was abnormal drinking.

~ Mike

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