Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Acceptance - June 16th

It's not hard. When I'm not hittin', I don't hit nobody. But when I'm hittin', I hit anybody!

It seems like some days everything goes our way. Everything falls together in a way that makes life easier for us. Other days are just the opposite; on a bad day we seem to be all thumbs. In our spiritual practice we know we don't control all that goes on around us.

We all are vulnerable to accidents, random misfortune, and illness. Yet, when we don't fight against the events of our lives, somehow things go better for us. We can remember that as difficult as a day may be, we are never alone because nothing can separate us from our Higher Power. When we accept the bad things that come, even though they are unfair, we give them less power in our lives. Then we are free to go forward and leave more room for the good things.

Today, I'll accept the problems I must confront and leave room for the good things.

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