Thursday, April 8, 2010

God - April 8th

I'm not into isms and asms. There isn't
a Catholic moon and a Baptist sun. I
know the universal God is universal..
..I feel that the same God-force that
is the mother and father of the pope is
also the mother and father of the lone-
liest wino on the planet.
  • Dick Gregory

In this program we seek conscious contact with God as we understand God. Some people understand God in very specific ways as a Jewish God, or a Christian God, or Moslem Allah. Others understand God in very general and unspecified ways. To some, God is the spirit of group relationships, the deeper consciousness of each man, or the whole of creation. When the word God is used in this program, it respects the different knowing of each person.
Whatever understanding a man has, this program includes his perspective. It dictates none. This is a spiritual program, not a religious one. We often see our Higher Power was with us as a helpful force, long before we knew about it.

Today, I am grateful for God's care. May I learn to increase in trust and knowledge of God.

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