Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Release - July 6th

“In the wake of my spiritual experience there came a vision of a society of alcoholics, each identifying with and transmitting his experience to the next -- chain style. If each sufferer were to carry the news of the scientific hopelessness of alcoholism to each new prospect, he might be able to lay every newcomer wide open to a transforming spiritual experience. This concept proved to be the foundation of such success as Alcoholics Anonymous has since achieved.”

~ Bill Wilson

A.A. Thought for the Day

We tried to study our alcoholic problem, wondering what was the cause of our strange obsession. Many of us took special treatments, hospitalization, even confinement in institutions. In every case, the relief was only temporary. We tried through crazy excuses to convince ourselves that we knew why we drank, but we went on regardless. Finally drinking had gone far beyond even a habit. We had become alcoholics, men and women who had been destroying themselves against their own will. Am I completely free from my alcoholic obsession?

For the longest time before I quit drinking I was convinced that drinking, though a problem, was only a symptom of the underlying cause. This idea had me feeling very clever and served to authorize my blackouts and antisocial behaviour. I would never have freed myself from the obsession to drink with out the strength, support and example provided by my fellow AA members.
~ Mike

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