Monday, May 9, 2011

Self-Discipline - May 9th

“Self-discipline is crucial to a simpler, more contented life.”
   ~Tenzin Gyatso

A.A. Thought for the Day

We alcoholics used so little self control when we were drinking; we were so absolutely selfish, that it does us good to give up something once in a while. Using self-discipline and denying ourselves a few things is good for us. At first, giving up liquor is a big enough job for all of us, even with God's help. But later on, we can practice self-discipline in other ways to keep a firm grip on our minds so that we don't start any wishful thinking. If we daydream too much, we'll be in danger of slipping. Am I practicing enough self-discipline?

When the founders of AA decided to reinforce to members that the goal is progress and not perfection they must have been thinking of self-discipline. It's a very difficult area for me and though I don't drink there are some things that I am still selfish about. The picture of a man practicing Tai Chi was chosen as I think the discipline it takes to practice Tai Chi is something we can all look to as a wonderful example of self-discipline. Have a safe and sober 24 hours.
~ Mike

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